Housing Options



Welcome to the
Housing Solutions Self Help Guide.

This guide will ask you a series of questions in order to provide you a personlised Housing Solutions plan. This plan will cover all housing and related support services that you may be able to access within Merthyr Tydfil. You will need to set aside 10-15 mintues to complete the questions. The personalised plan will  not provide detailed advice but will signpost you to the most appropriate agency to ensure you can access the support and advice you need. You can also redo the guide as your circumstances change.

Some of the available options include:

  • Mutual Exchange
  • Housing Association Properties
  • Private Rented Housing
  • Homelessness Prevention
  • Homelessness
  • Employability
  • Debt Advice
  • Housing Related Support

Completing the questions contained in this guide will not complete an applicaiton for Living Merthyr Tydfil. If you wish to complete a Living Merthyr Tydfil Applicaiton please click here.

EHO introduction image