Welcome to Living Merthyr Tydfil - Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council's official website for all things housing... Here you can access information and advice, view social housing properties available for rent, register on the common housing register - which would allow you to apply for social housing properties.
Properties that are available for rent may be advertised daily and each advert will remain live for at least 7 days before closing. Properties are allocated according to housing need, and NOT on a first come first served basis.
In order to begin applying for available properties, you must first Register your household on this site. Then you must complete a Housing Registration Application, providing details of your current housing and household circumstances. Once complete and submitted, your application will be reviewed by a Council Officer to validate the information provided, this may include a telephone interview. Once validated, you will recieve a message when you log into your account advising you that you are now active and able to begin applying for properties. If during validation, we require more information, you will recieve a message when you log into your account advising you what you are required to do.
You can use this website to:
- Search for available properties
- Apply for a property
- View results of previous lettings
This site is packed with lots of interesting housing-related information, advice and assistance.
Try our Housing Options Wizard - which will tailor the information presented, based upon your personal circumstances.
On the right hand side of this page is a panel with some helpful topics to get you started.
Some information on this site is in PDF format (Portable Document Format). To view these documents you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
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