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Living Merthyr Tydfil Quarterly News

Published: Monday 30 September 2024
To see the latest updates for the housing register visit our Living Merthyr Tydfil Quarterly News page here  - Living Merthyr Tydfil


Published: Friday 8 December 2023

Exciting news!

Our brand-new, more spacious Hub is officially open at St Tydfil shopping centre. This expanded area not only allows us to accommodate more individuals but also facilitates a warm and welcoming environment for everyone. If you're in need of housing-related advice, if you're keen on enhancing your skills for employment or pursuing higher-paying opportunities to manage your tenancy or mortgage, we invite you to drop by. 

Our dedicated team of knowledgabe and supportive staff are here to empower you, provide valuable advice, offer the support you need. Whether you're looking for guidance on maintaining your current housing situation or seeking a pathway to higher-paid employment, we're here for you. Feel free to visit and engage with our incredible team, who can also connect you with essential services tailored to your specific needs. 

Rather then waiting until Christmas, take the proactive step of seeking support and advice now. The sooner you reach out, the quicker we can help you create a personalised plan with achieveable goals. By taking this initiative, you not only gain valuable support but also work towards preventing potential situations that could lead to homelessness. 

Your journey towards stability and empowerment begins with a simple ask for support - we're here for you every step of the way. 

Together we can


Homeless Prevention fund / Cronfa Atal Digartrefedd

Published: Tuesday 24 October 2023

The purpose of this funding is to top up the discretionary homelessness prevention funds that the Local Authority currently utilises to prevent and alleviate homelessness.

This discretionary funding can be used in a flexible way in line with parameters set by the Local Authority, with the overall aim of preventing homelessness.

The funding can cover such prevention and relief measures included within the Authority’s existing rules and legal framework. Examples may include:

•            Paying rent in advance or offering a rent guarantee to secure a tenancy for an individual.

•            Paying off rent arrears as part of a package of action to sustain a tenancy (where not eligible for Discretionary Housing     Payments).

•            Helping to fund repairs to a property from damage caused by a tenant as part of a package to avoid eviction.

•            Paying for diversionary activities or items to help engage a person in support provision to help them sustain their tenancy.

Please note these are examples and are not intended to be an exhaustive list – it is for the local authority to determine what is an appropriate use of discretionary funding to prevent and relieve homelessness, working within their own rules and legal frameworks.

For more information please speak to a member of the team at The Hub, 13A Wheatsheaf Lane, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8AY (Next door to the busy bee chip shop) or alternatively email us at

The Hub opening times – Monday to Friday (9:30am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:00pm)


Pwrpas y gronfa hon yw ychwanegu at gronfeydd disgresiynol atal digartrefedd y mae’r Awdurdod Lleol yn eu defnyddio ar hyn o bryd er mwyn atal neu liniaru digartrefedd. 

Gall yr arian disgresiynol hyn gael ei ddefnyddio mewn modd hyblyg, yn unol â meini prawf yr Awdurdod Lleol a’r bwriad cyffredinol yw atal digartrefedd.

Gall yr arian dalu am fesurau ataliaeth a rhyddhad sydd wedi eu cynnwys yn fframwaith rheolau a chyfreithiau cyfredol yr Awdurdod. Mae’r enghreifftiau’n cynnwys:


•            Talu rhent, o flaen llaw neu gynnig gwarant rhent i ddiogelu tenantiaeth ar gyfer unigolyn.

•            Talu am ôl daliadau rhent fel rhan o’r pecyn gweithredu i gynnal tenantiaeth (pan na fydd cymhwysedd ar gyfer Taliadau Tai Disgresiynol.)

•            Cynorthwyo i ariannu atgyweiriadau i eiddo yn sgil niwed a achoswyd gan denant fel rhan o becyn i atal troi allan.

•            Talu am weithgareddau disgresiynol neu eitemau i gynorthwyo ag ymgysylltu unigolyn ar gyfer darpariaeth i gynnal tenantiaeth.


Nodwch mai enghreifftiau yn unig yw’r rhain ac nid yw’n rhestr gyflawn – dylai awdurdodau lleol bennu’r hyn sydd yn addas ar gyfer arian disgresiynol er mwyn atal neu ryddhau digartrefedd gan weithio oddi fewn i’w rheolau a’u fframweithiau cyfreithiol.


Am ragor o wybodaeth, siaradwch ag aelod o’r tîm yn yr Hyb, 13A Lôn yr Ysgub Wenith, Merthyr Tudful, CF47 8AY (y drws nesaf i siop sglodion The Busy Bee) neu e-bostiwch

Amseroedd agor yr Hyb yw  - Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener (9:30am – 12:00pm a 1:00pm - 4:00pm)



How we allocate properties through the housing register is changing

Published: Monday 23 October 2023

How we band applications for housing will be changing.

From 20th November - 4th December all applications will be reviewed under the new policy. 

During this time there will be no properties advertised to bid on and people newly registering for housing will not be processed.
If you have an active application for community housing, you will be sent a letter to notify you of the change. 
If you need advice or support with your housing application, you can call 01685 725000 or visist The Hub (Next door to the Busy Bee chip shop)

Changes to Housing

Published: Friday 19 June 2020

Today the Welsh Government has announced that they will be restarting the housing market by enabling house viewings to take place in vacant properties and house moves where a sale has been agreed but not yet completed. As further announcements are made we will let you know via the website