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How we allocate properties through the housing register is changing

Published: Monday 23 October 2023

How we band applications for housing will be changing.

From 20th November - 4th December all applications will be reviewed under the new policy. 

During this time there will be no properties advertised to bid on and people newly registering for housing will not be processed.
If you have an active application for community housing, you will be sent a letter to notify you of the change. 
If you need advice or support with your housing application, you can call 01685 725000 or visist The Hub (Next door to the Busy Bee chip shop)

Changes to Housing

Published: Friday 19 June 2020

Today the Welsh Government has announced that they will be restarting the housing market by enabling house viewings to take place in vacant properties and house moves where a sale has been agreed but not yet completed. As further announcements are made we will let you know via the website

Property adverts

Published: Thursday 16 April 2020


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing guidance and the effect on staffing levels, the number of properties that will be advertised during this period may be significantly reduced. We will continue to update this information should properties become available in the future.