TAKE NOTICE that on the 7th day of December 2022 pursuant to Section 78 of the Housing Act (Wales) 2014 (as amended by the Homelessness (Priority Need and Intentionality) (Wales) Regulations 2022 (the Act), Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council (“the Local Authority”) considered the priority categories outlined in Section 70 of the Act and resolved to apply the test of intentionality to all individuals and households to include the categories detailed in section 70 of the Act as set out below.



             (a) a pregnant woman or a person with whom she resides or might reasonably be

expected to reside;

(b) a person with whom a dependent child resides or might reasonably be expected to reside;

(c) (i) a person who is vulnerable as a result of some special reason (for example: old age, physical or mental illness or physical or mental disability), or

      (ii) a person with whom a person who falls within sub-paragraph (i) resides or might reasonably be expected to reside;


 (d) (i) a person who is homeless or threatened with homelessness as a result of an emergency such as flood, fire or other disaster, or

      (ii) a person with whom a person who falls within sub-paragraph (i) resides or might reasonably be expected to reside;


 (e) (i) a person who is homeless as a result of being subject to domestic abuse,    or

      (ii) a person with whom a person who falls within sub-paragraph (i) resides (other than the abuser) or might reasonably be expected to reside;


 (f) (i) a person who is aged 16 or 17 when the person applies to a local housing authority for accommodation or help in obtaining or retaining accommodation, or

      (ii) a person with whom a person who falls within sub-paragraph (i) resides or might reasonably be expected to reside;


 (g) (i) a person who has attained the age of 18, when the person applies to a local housing authority for accommodation or help in obtaining or retaining accommodation, but not the age of 21, who is at particular risk of sexual or financial exploitation, or

      (ii) a person with whom a person who falls within sub-paragraph (i) resides (other than an exploiter or potential exploiter) or might reasonably be expected to reside;


 (h) (i) a person who has attained the age of 18, when the person applies to a local housing authority for accommodation or help in obtaining or retaining accommodation, but not the age of 21, who was looked after, accommodated or fostered at any time while under the age of 18, or

      (ii) a person with whom a person who falls within sub-paragraph (i) resides or might reasonably be expected to reside;


 (i)  (i) a person who has served in the regular armed forces of the Crown who has been homeless since leaving those forces, or

      (ii) a person with whom a person who falls within sub-paragraph (i) resides or might reasonably be expected to reside;


 (j) a person who has a local connection with the area of the local housing authority and who is vulnerable as a result of one of the following reasons:-

      (i) having served a custodial sentence within the meaning of section 76 of the Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000,

      (ii) having been remanded in or committed to custody by an order of a court,


      (iii) having been remanded to youth detention accommodation under section 91(4) of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012, or a person with whom such a person resides or might reasonably be expected to reside.

(k) a person—

(i) who is street homeless (within the meaning of section 71(2)), or

(ii) with whom a person who falls within sub-paragraph (i) might reasonably be expected to reside.


Reasons for applying the test of intentionality to all individuals and households to include the categories detailed above


1.The use of intentionality is intended to discourage households from giving up accommodation which is suitable for their needs and available to them. It recognises the expectation that, where possible, people ought to take responsibility for their actions and ensures they do not behave in a way which could cause them to lose accommodation.

2.Where an intentional homeless decision is made the Local Authority’s housing duties to that household are significantly reduced. In Merthyr Tydfil in 2019-20, 16% of homelessness decisions made, concluded that the applicant was intentionally homeless. Stats from 2020-22 would not provide an accurate reflection of this test, due to exceptions that were introduced in response to the Covid 19 pandemic.

3.Intentionality remains a key issue in deciding issue in deciding whether or not an applicant is entitled to receive a service and potentially being accommodated in permanent or temporary accommodation, which has a significant resource implication.

4.By not retaining the test of intentionality, the Local Authority would have a duty to accommodate those who have carried out deliberate acts, the consequence of which has been the loss of their home. This will have a significant resource implication for the Local Authority. Not retaining the test may also actually promote behaviour which leads to homelessness as shortcut for citizens to access alternative housing.

5.If intentionality were not to be considered by the authority for priority need category (k) above, this may also encourage people to sleep rough for the occasional night (as there is no time limit within the definition of street homeless) in order to be able to access temporary accommodation more easily and be owed a full homelessness duty under section 75 of the Act where the authority must secure permanent accommodation. This could result in unintended consequences for the authority, in light of the unprecedented demand for social housing.

6.By disregarding the intentionality test, the same homeless duty would apply to all homeless cases and no additional priority would be awarded to those who are assessed as being unintentionally homeless. This would create a level of unfairness.


This resolution will take effect from the 20th January 2023 in accordance with regulations 3 and 4 of the Homelessness (Intentionality) (Specified Categories) (Wales) Regulations 2015


Dated: 22nd December 2022




Contact telephone number: (01685) 725000

Email :

Address:Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council, Civic Centre, Castle Street, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8AN





Bwriadoldeb a Deddf Tai Cymru 2014

SYLWER ar 7fed diwrnod mis Rhagfyr 2022 yn unol a Adran 78 o Ddeddf Tai (Cymru) 2014 (fel a ddiwigwyd gan Reoliadau Digartrefedd (Blaenoriaethu angen a Bwriadoldeb) (Cymru) 2022 (y Ddeddf), bod Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Merthyr Tudful (“yr Awdurdod Lleol”) wedi ystyried y categoriau blaenoriaeth a amlinellir yn Adran 70 y Ddeddf a phenderfynu gosod y prawf bwriadoldeb i bob unigolyn a chartref i gynnwys y categoriau a nodir yn Adran 70 y Ddeddf fel a amlinellir isod.




(a) menyw feichiog neu berson y mae’n preswylio gydag ef neu y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddi breswylio gydag ef;

(b) person y mae plentyn dibynnol yn preswylio gydag ef neu y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddo breswylio gydag ef;

(c) person—(i)sy’n hyglwyf o ganlyniad i reswm arbennig (er enghraifft: henaint, salwch corfforol neu feddyliol neu anabledd corfforol neu feddyliol), neu

(ii)y mae person sy’n dod o fewn is-baragraff (i) yn preswylio gydag ef neu y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddo breswylio gydag ef;

(d)person—(i)sy’n ddigartref neu o dan fygythiad o ddigartrefedd o ganlyniad i argyfwng megis llifogydd, tân neu drychineb arall, neu

(ii)y mae person sy’n dod o fewn is-baragraff (i) yn preswylio gydag ef neu y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddo breswylio gydag ef;

(e)person— (i)sy’n ddigartref o ganlyniad i wynebu camdriniaeth ddomestig, neu

(ii)y mae person sy’n dod o fewn is-baragraff (i) yn preswylio gydag ef (ac eithrio’r sawl sy’n cam-drin) neu y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddo breswylio gydag ef;

(f)person—(i)sy’n 16 neu’n 17 oed pan fo’r person yn gwneud cais i awdurdod tai lleol am lety neu gymorth i gadw neu gael gafael ar lety, neu

(ii)y mae person sy’n dod o fewn is-baragraff (i) yn preswylio gydag ef neu y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddo breswylio gydag ef;

(g)person—(i)sydd wedi cyrraedd 18 oed, pan fo’r person yn gwneud cais i awdurdod tai lleol am lety neu gymorth i gadw neu gael gafael ar lety, ond nid 21 oed, sy’n wynebu perygl arbennig o gamfanteisio rhywiol neu ariannol, neu

(ii)y mae person sy’n dod o fewn is-baragraff (i) yn preswylio gydag ef (ac eithrio camfanteisiwr neu gamfanteisiwr posibl) neu y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddo breswylio gydag ef;

(h)person—(i)sydd wedi cyrraedd 18 oed, pan fo’r person yn gwneud cais i awdurdod tai lleol am lety neu gymorth i gadw neu gael gafael ar lety, ond nid 21 oed, a oedd yn derbyn gofal, yn cael ei letya neu’n cael ei faethu ar unrhyw bryd pan oedd o dan 18 oed, neu

(ii)y mae person sy’n dod o fewn is-baragraff (i) yn preswylio gydag ef neu y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddo breswylio gydag ef;

(i)person—(i)sydd wedi gwasanaethu yn lluoedd arfog rheolaidd y Goron sydd wedi bod yn ddigartref ers gadael y lluoedd hynny, neu

(ii)y mae person sy’n dod o fewn is-baragraff (i) yn preswylio gydag ef neu y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddo breswylio gydag ef;

(j)person sydd â chysylltiad lleol ag ardal yr awdurdod tai lleol ac sy’n hyglwyf o ganlyniad i un o’r rhesymau canlynol—

(i)bod wedi bwrw dedfryd o garchar o fewn ystyr adran 76 o Ddeddf Pwerau Llysoedd Troseddol (Dedfrydu) 2000,

(ii)bod wedi ei remandio mewn carchar neu ei draddodi i garchar gan orchymyn llys, neu (iii)bod wedi ei remandio i lety cadw ieuenctid o dan adran 91(4) o Ddeddf Cymorth Cyfreithiol, Dedfrydu a Chosbi Troseddwyr 2012

(k) person—(i) sy’n ddi gartref ac ar y stryd (o fewn ystyr adran 71(2)), neu(ii) person sy’n disgyn i is baragraff (i) y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddo breswylio gydag ef;


 Rhesymau am weithredu prawf bwriadoldeb i bob unigolyn a chartref i gynnwys y categoriau a nodir uchod


1.Bwriad defnyddio bwriadoldeb yw i beidio annog teulu i roi’r gorau i gartref sy’n addas ac sydd ar gael iddynt. Mae’n cydnabod y disgwyl, ble’n bosibl y dylai pobl gymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu gweithredoedd a sicrhau nad ydynt yn ymddwyn mewn ffordd sy’n golygu eu bod yn colli eu cartref.


2.Pan fo penderfyniad digartrefedd bwriadol yn cael ei wneud mae dyletswydd statudol yr Awdurdod Lleol yn sylweddol is. Ym Merthyr Tudful yn 2019-20, casglwyd bod 16% o benderfyniadau digartrefedd yn ddigartref yn fwriadol. Byddai ystadegau o 2020-22 ddim yn rhoi darlun manwl gywir oherwydd yr eithriadau a gyflwynwyd mewn ymateb i’r pandemig Covid 19.


3.Mae bwriadoldeb yn parhau yn fater allweddol wrth benderfynu os yw ymgeisydd yn gymwys i dderbyn gwasanaeth ac o bosib gael cartref mewn lleoliad parhaol neu dros dro, ac mae gan hyn oblygiadau sylweddol ar adnoddau.


4.Trwy beidio cadw’r prawf bwriadoldeb, byddai gan yr Awdurdod Lleol ddyletswydd i gartrefu rheiny sydd wedi cyflawni gweithredoedd bwriadol, sydd o ganlyniad wedi golygu colli eu cartref. Bydd gan hyn oblygiadau sylweddol ar adnoddau i’r Awdurdod Lleol. Byddai peidio cadw’r prawf yn gallu hyrwyddo ymddygiad sy’n arwain at ddigartrefedd ac yn ffordd gyflym i ddinasyddion gael mynediad at gartref amgen.


5.Os na fyddai bwriadoldeb yn cael ei ystyried gan yr awdurdod byddai blaenoriaeth angen |(k) uchod yn gallu annog pobl i gysgu ar y stryd yn achlysurol (gan nad oes terfyn amser i’r diffiniad o ddigartref ar y strydI) er mwyn gallu derbyn cartref dros dro yn haws ac yn gymwys i ddyletswydd digartrefedd llawn dan adran 75 y Ddeddf ble mae angen i’r awdurdod ddod o hyd i gartref parhaol. Gallai hyn arwain at ganlyniadau amwriadol i’r awdurdod, oherwydd y galw digynsail am dai cymdeithasol.


6.Trwy anwybyddu’r prawf bwriadoldeb, byddai’r un dyletswydd digartrefedd yn gymwys i bob achos digartrefedd ac ni fyddai blaenoriaeth yn cael ei roi i bobl a asesir eu bod yn fwriadol ddigartref. Byddai hyn yn gallu creu lefel o anhegwch.


Bydd y cynnig hwn yn dod i rym o Ionawr 20fed 2023 yn unol a rheoliadau 3 a 4 o Reoliadau (Bwriadoldeb) (Categoriau Penodol) (Cymru) 2015


Dyddiedig: Rhagfyr 22ain 2022




Rhif Ffon Cyswllt: (01685) 725000

E-bost :

Cyfeiriad:Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Merthyr Tudful, Y Ganolfan ddinesig, Stryd y Castell, Merthyr Tudful CF47 8AN