Rent Smart Wales
By law all landlords and letting agencies in Wales must register with Rent Smart Wales. Lettings agencies and individual landlords who manage their own properties also need a licence from Rent Smart Wales before they can rent out their property. If you are not sure whether or not a landlord or letting agency is licenced and your property is registered you can check here - Welcome to Rent Smart Wales - Rent Smart Wales (
If the landlord or agent is not registered or licenced to rent out your property you need to let Rent Smart Wales know. If you are served notice by a landlord or agent that is not licenced or registered then the notice will be classed as invalid. You can seek further advice on this from the Town Centre Hub Early Intervention Team, 3 Newmarket Walk, Merthyr Town Centre, Phone - 01685 725455 or contact the Housing Solutions Team on 01685 725000.